How to Unsee a Story on Instagram in 2023

By: Ellen Bartolino

Last Updated on August 3, 2023 by Ellen Bartolino

Table of Contents

How to Unsee an Instagram Story You’ve Viewed by Mistake Without Blocking

Have you ever accidentally viewed a story on Instagram and wished you could unsee it? You’re not alone. We’ve all been there, scrolling through our feed, and before we know it, we’ve opened a story we didn’t mean to. The panic sets in as we realize they’ll know we’ve seen it. But don’t worry, there’s a solution to this common problem.

In this guide, we’ll explore how to unsee an Instagram story and avoid those awkward moments. But before we dive in, let’s understand the scale of this issue. Did you know that Instagram currently boasts 2 billion monthly active users, making it the fourth most used social media platform? With such a vast user base, it’s no surprise that accidental views are a common occurrence. So, let’s get started and learn how to navigate this Instagram minefield.

Understanding Accidental Views: Viewed by Mistake

Have you ever been scrolling through your Instagram feed, mindlessly tapping away, when suddenly, you’ve viewed a story on Instagram you didn’t mean to? It’s a common occurrence, and it can lead to some awkward situations. After all, Instagram stories are designed to let the poster know who’s viewed their content.

Explanation of How Accidental Views Can Occur

Accidental views typically happen when you’re browsing through your Instagram feed or exploring the discover page. You might accidentally tap on a story, or perhaps you’re curious and click on a story without realizing that the poster can see who has viewed it. It’s a simple mistake, but it can lead to some uncomfortable moments, especially if the story belongs to someone you’d rather not interact with.

The Implications of Being Seen Viewing a Story

The implications of being seen from Instagram story can vary. If it’s a friend or someone you regularly interact with on Instagram, it might not be a big deal. However, if it’s an ex, a coworker, or someone you’re trying to avoid, it can lead to some awkward conversations.

As an avid Instagram user, I once accidentally viewed a story from an old friend I hadn’t spoken to in years. I panicked and immediately blocked them, hoping they wouldn’t see that I had viewed their story. After 24 hours, I unblocked them, and to my relief, my name was no longer on their viewer’s list.

In the next section, we’ll explore some strategies to avoid accidental views and how to unsee an Instagram story if you’ve already viewed it. So, let’s dive in!

Avoiding Accidental Views on Instagram Story

Avoiding Accidental Views on Instagram Story

We’ve all been there, casually scrolling through Instagram when suddenly, you’ve accidentally viewed a story you didn’t mean to. The panic sets in as you realize the implications of your actions. But don’t worry, there are ways to avoid these accidental views and the potential awkwardness that can follow.

Tips on How to Avoid Accidentally Viewing Stories

One of the most effective ways to avoid accidentally viewing stories is to be mindful of your scrolling. It’s easy to get lost in the endless stream of content, but taking a moment to slow down can help you avoid any unwanted views.

Another tip is to use the peek feature on Instagram. By pressing and holding on the story icon, you can get a glimpse of the story without it registering as a view. This can be a lifesaver when you’re trying to avoid viewing a specific person’s story.

Lastly, consider turning off the autoplay feature for stories. This can give you more control over what you view and when.

Discussion on the Implications of Accidental Views

Accidental views can lead to a variety of implications. For one, it can create an awkward situation if the story was posted by someone you’re trying to avoid or don’t interact with regularly. They might wonder why you’re viewing their content and could potentially reach out to you, leading to a conversation you weren’t prepared to have.

Furthermore, viewing a story lets the poster know that you’re active on Instagram. If you’re trying to keep a low profile or avoid someone, an accidental view can blow your cover.

Remember, Instagram is a social platform, and every action you take can be seen by others. So, it’s essential to navigate the app carefully to avoid any unwanted interactions or revelations.

Method 1: Blocking the User

Sometimes, the simplest way to unsee a story on Instagram is to block the user whose story you’ve accidentally viewed. It might seem drastic, but it’s a surefire way to remove yourself from the viewer’s list. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step-by-step Guide on How to Block the User Whose Story Was Viewed

  1. Open Instagram and navigate to the profile of the user you want to block.
  2. Tap on the three dots in the top right corner of their profile.
  3. From the menu that appears, select ‘Block’.
  4. Confirm your decision by tapping ‘Block’ again.

By blocking the user, you effectively disappear from their viewer’s list, and they won’t be able to see that you’ve viewed their story.

Explanation of How Blocking Removes the Viewer from the Viewer’s List

When you block a user on Instagram, you sever all connections with them on the platform. This means they can’t see your profile, posts, or stories, and you can’t see theirs. Importantly, it also removes you from the viewer’s list of any stories you’ve viewed before blocking them.

Discussion on the Potential Consequences of Blocking, Such as Being Unfollowed

While blocking is an effective method, it’s important to consider the potential consequences. The blocked user won’t receive a notification, but they might notice that they can no longer view your profile or interact with your posts. If you were following each other, blocking will result in both of you unfollowing each other.

Method 1: Blocking the User

Instructions on How to Unblock the User After the Story Has Expired

Once the story has expired (after 24 hours), you can unblock the user. To do this, go to your settings, select ‘Privacy’, then ‘Blocked Accounts’. Find the user in the list and tap ‘Unblock’. Remember, if you want to follow each other again, you’ll need to send a new follow request.

After 24 hours, the story will expire and it will be safe to unblock the person. To do this, go to your settings, then to ‘Privacy’, and then ‘Blocked Accounts’. Here, you can find the person you blocked and choose to unblock them.

From a personal experience, I can tell you that this method works. On one occasion, I accidentally viewed a story from a colleague. Instead of panicking, I decided to deactivate my Instagram account temporarily. After 24 hours, I reactivated my account, and just like the previous incident, my name was no longer on their viewer’s list.

Remember, it’s easy to accidentally view a story, but with these quick fixes, you can avoid the awkwardness that comes with being seen.

Quick Fixes for Accidental Views

We’ve all been there, scrolling through Instagram and accidentally tapping on a story that we didn’t mean to. The panic sets in as you realize that the person will now know you’ve seen their story. But don’t worry, there are quick fixes for these accidental views that can prevent you from being seen.

Step-by-step guide on what to do if you accidentally view a story

  1. Identify the Profile: If you’ve accidentally viewed a story, the first step is to navigate to the profile of the person whose story you viewed.
  2. Access Profile Options: On their profile page, look for the three dots located in the top right corner. Tap on these dots to access more options.
  3. Block the User: From the options that appear, select ‘Block’.
  4. Confirm the Action: A prompt will appear asking you to confirm if you want to block the user. Confirm the action.

By following these steps, you will be removed from their viewer’s list, and they won’t be able to see that you’ve viewed their story. This is a quick and effective way to unsee a story on Instagram.

Explanation of how these quick fixes can prevent you from being seen

By blocking the person, you’re essentially removing yourself from their Instagram sphere. They won’t be able to see your profile, posts, or story views. This is a quick and effective way to erase your accidental view from their story viewers list.

Method 2: Deactivating Your Instagram Account

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you’ve accidentally viewed a story and wished you could take it back? Well, there’s a solution for that. Deactivating your Instagram account temporarily can save you from the embarrassment. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Detailed Guide on How to Deactivate the Instagram Account

  1. Open Instagram on a web browser. Unfortunately, you can’t deactivate your account from the Instagram app; it has to be done on a web browser.
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner and select ‘Profile’.
  4. Click on ‘Edit Profile’.
  5. Scroll down and click on ‘Temporarily disable my account’ at the bottom right.
  6. Select a reason for disabling your account and re-enter your password.
  7. Click on ‘Temporarily Disable Account’.

Remember, this is a temporary solution. Your account will be hidden until you decide to reactivate it.

Explanation of How Deactivation Removes the Viewer from the Viewer’s List

When you deactivate your Instagram account, your profile, photos, comments, and likes will all be hidden and it will appear as if you’ve deleted your account. But don’t worry, this is only temporary. The good news is, once you’ve deactivated your account, your name will be removed from the viewer’s list of any story you’ve viewed. This means that the person whose story you viewed will not be able to see that you’ve viewed their story1.

Discussion on the Need to Access Instagram via a Browser for Deactivation

One important thing to note is that you can’t deactivate your Instagram account from the app. You’ll need to log in to Instagram on a web browser either on your phone or computer. This might seem like a bit of a hassle, but it’s a small price to pay to save yourself from the embarrassment of being caught viewing someone’s story.

Instructions on How to Reactivate the Account After the Story Has Expired

Reactivating your Instagram account is just as easy as deactivating it. Here’s how:

  1. Open the Instagram app on your phone.
  2. Enter your username and password.
  3. Click on ‘Log In’.

And just like that, your account will be back up and running! Remember, you need to wait a few hours after deactivation before you can reactivate your account.

Viewing Story on Instagram Anonymously

Viewing Story on Instagram Anonymously

Ever wondered if you could view someone’s Instagram stories without them knowing? Well, you’re in luck! There are ways to do this, and we’re going to walk you through them.

Explanation of how to view stories without appearing on the viewer’s list

With certain tools, you can view Instagram stories anonymously, ensuring your name doesn’t appear on the viewer’s list. This means you can keep up with the latest stories without the account owner ever knowing you were there. It’s like being a social media ninja!

Discussion on the benefits of anonymous viewing

There are several benefits to anonymous viewing. It gives you privacy and control over your online presence. You can keep up with friends, family, or even competitors without them knowing. It’s a great way to stay informed without revealing your viewing habits.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use these tools wisely and respect others’ privacy. Happy anonymous viewing!


Unseeing an Instagram story that you’ve viewed by mistake can be a tricky process, but it’s not impossible. If you’ve accidentally watched a story on Instagram and wonder how to unsee it, there are a few steps you can take. The first method to unsee an Instagram story without blocking the person is to turn off your internet connection immediately after viewing the story. This prevents Instagram from sending the view notification to the person who posted the story.

However, if you’ve already viewed the story and want to unsee it after viewing it, you’ll need to block the person whose story you viewed. This may seem drastic, but Instagram will also remove the view from their story. You can then unblock them after 48 hours, and your view will no longer show on their stories. This is a surefire way to unsee an Instagram story without them knowing.

If you’re worried about accidentally viewing someone’s story again, consider using a mobile browser-based Instagram or wait for the story to get timed out. Instagram allows you to see someone’s story on Instagram without them knowing if you use these methods. Remember, the easiest way to unsee someone’s Instagram story is to be cautious and mindful of the stories you want to view.

Unseeing a story on Instagram that you’ve viewed by mistake involves either quickly disconnecting your internet or temporarily blocking the person. While these methods may seem inconvenient, they ensure that you can navigate Instagram without worrying about unwanted story views.

Recap of the methods and their effectiveness

As we wrap up, it’s clear that managing your Instagram story views doesn’t have to be a daunting task. We’ve explored various methods and their effectiveness in ensuring you maintain control over who sees your activity on Instagram stories.

Remember, the key is to act swiftly. Whether you choose to block the user temporarily or deactivate your account, these methods can help you ‘unsee’ a story you’ve accidentally viewed. However, it’s important to note that these are just quick fixes. The best way to avoid such situations in the future is to be more cautious when browsing Instagram stories.

It’s also worth noting that viewing Instagram stories anonymously can be a handy tool. This allows you to view stories without appearing on the viewer’s list, giving you the freedom to browse stories without worrying about accidental views.

managing Instagram story views

Final thoughts and advice on managing Instagram story views

In 2023, Rival IQ conducted a comprehensive benchmark report on Instagram stories. The report revealed that story frequency remained flat compared to the previous year, with brands posting about as many stories as in 2021. Reach rate continued to fall, with stories and posts reaching a smaller percentage of followers compared to the previous year. Retention rates remained flat, with higher tapback rates boosting retention, but flat reply rates and increased exit rates balanced those successes. The report also revealed that Instagram posts continue to see a much higher reach rate than stories.

Instagram reached two billion active users in Q3 2021 and is on track to reach 2.5 billion this year. With such a massive user base, it’s no surprise that Instagram stories have become a popular feature on the platform. However, as the platform continues to grow, it’s crucial to understand how to use its features effectively and maintain control over your privacy.

So, next time you’re scrolling through Instagram stories, remember these tips. With a little caution and the right know-how, you can enjoy Instagram stories without any hiccups. Happy browsing!


How can I unsee an Instagram story?

To unsee an Instagram story, you have to block the person who posted it. Alternatively, you can turn off your internet connection and view the story offline. Keep in mind that blocking someone on Instagram will also remove their access to your profile.

Can I unsee Instagram story without blocking?

No, you cannot unsee an Instagram story without blocking the person who posted it or viewing it offline while your internet connection is turned off.

How long does an Instagram story last?

An Instagram story will only last for 24 hours, after which it will be automatically deleted.

Can I see who viewed my Instagram story?

Can I see who viewed my Instagram story?

Yes, you can see who viewed your Instagram story. Simply swipe up on your story, and you will see a list of users who have viewed it.

What if I viewed a story by mistake?

If you viewed an Instagram story by mistake, you can either wait for it to expire in 24 hours or block the person to remove it from your view.

Can I view an Instagram story without the person knowing?

Yes, you can view an Instagram story without the person knowing if you turn off your internet connection before viewing it.

How long can I deactivate my Instagram account?

You can deactivate your Instagram account for as long as you want. However, Instagram will automatically log you out after 48 hours of inactivity.

How can I block someone on Instagram?

To block someone on Instagram, go to their profile page, click on the three dots in the top right corner, and select “Block”.

Is it possible to unsee an Instagram story without using a third-party app?

Yes, it is possible to unsee an Instagram story without using a third-party app. You can either block the person or view the story offline.

Author Bio

Ellen Bartolino

With a wealth of experience as an author and communication specialist, Ellen has honed her skills in the realm of Instagram. Her in-depth understanding of the platform allows her to create engaging and effective content that resonates with both businesses and individuals.

Reach your audience

With over 300 million users on Instagram, there is no better way to promote yourself, your creative projects, or your business than on the extremely popular platform. The only problem is, how can you ensure that your voice is heard through all the noise?